Leaders in Global Asset Disposal
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Intelligent disposal Solutions
A unique consultancy practice specialised in supporting clients to maximise the financial returns on Surplus Assets whilst at the same time minimising the risk of legislative and ethical non-compliance.

Who We Are
About IDS
Every one of our consultants are experienced asset disposal experts with a combined experience of over 80 years. Our operation and logistics teams have worked around the world delivering projects on-budget and on-time.
IDS excel in providing alternative, and often pioneering, disposal solutions that are bespoke to our customer’s requirements. Specifically, we appeal to organisations that have become disillusioned with the performance and cost of traditional disposal outlets such as auctioneers.
Comprehensive Disposal Services
What We Do
- Asset Appraisal and Consultation
- Dispersal Method Recommendation
- Compliance and Disposal System Audit
- Profit Share and Funded Disposals
- Active and Passive Value Enhancement
- Global Strategic Marketing
- Private Treaty, Tender and Auctions
- On-Line Sales
- Logistics and Storage
- Asset Accounting
- Tailored Training

Level Up
Tailored Training
Our courses are customised to your requirements and can be certified under an internationally recognised awarding body that’s regulated by Ofqual. We offer on-site and on-line options, one to one and group sessions.
Please contact us for more details and receive a free Training Needs Analysis from one of our lead instructors.
Get in touch with Intelligent Disposal Solutions
Challenge us to improve your existing Asset Disposal Process
For a free, no obligation appraisal contact us to discuss your requirements
Adding Value to Asset Disposal
Maximise Returns, Minimise Risk
IDS provides Intelligent and compliant Disposal Solutions for overstock, end-of-life, and redundant assets. We act independently of any other re-seller or auctioneer, guaranteeing complete integrity and best value to your disposal process.

Maximise Return
Using our extensive experience and Decision Matrix Algorithms we achieve higher financial returns than that of traditional resellers.

Minimise Cost
IDS minimise our clients dispersal costs by reducing the total expenditure on selling premiums and the cost of any associated logistics.

Assured Compliance
We can ensure that all relevant statutory regulation and corporate policy is enacted and guaranteed on the downstream sale.
Seriously Green Credentials
Assured Compliance
Establishing a corporate compliance programme is a fundamental responsibility of any organisation’s governance and its board members must actively oversee that function.
- Environmental
- Statutory Regulation
- Health and Safety
- Social Responsibility
- Sustainability
- Decarbonisation
- Reputational Risk
- Financial Compliance
- Money Laundering
- Tax Evasion

“Most organisations are justifiably focused on their core product and less likely to maximise the revenue potential, or conversely, adequately recognise the dangers of non-compliance associated with the disposal of surplus assets”
Mike Brown
IDS Co-Founder and CEO
Being Better by Being Different
Unlike Traditional Asset Re-sellers
IDS Isn't a Traditional Asset Re-seller
IDS is Different from Traditional Asset Re-sellers
We provide more than just an outlet for your surplus assets.
- Our Decision Matrix Algorithms will determine the most cost effective and financially rewarding method for disposal.
- IDS has a global database of end-user buyers which enables us to realise better prices and cut out any middlemen.
- We manage and audit the entire disposal cycle to ensure a robust chain-of-custody in compliance with Statutory Regulation and Company Policy.
- We advise and report on a host of influencing factors such as, environmental impact, de-carbonisation, corporate social responsibility, sanctioned buyers, business ethics, recycling, and re-purposing.
- Uniquely, IDS will fund the disposal of the assets and work on an open book profit share arrangement, whereby we take a percentage of the realised value over a reserve set by the client.

Our Decision Matrix Algorithms will determine the most cost effective and financially rewarding method for disposal.

IDS has a global database of end-user buyers which enables us to realise better prices and cut out any middlemen.

We manage and audit the entire disposal cycle to ensure a robust chain-of-custody in compliance with Statutory Regulation and Company Policy.

We advise and report on a host of influencing factors such as, environmental impact, de-carbonisation, corporate social responsibility, sanctioned buyers, business ethics, recycling, and re-purposing.

Uniquely, IDS will fund the disposal of the assets and work on an open book profit share arrangement, whereby we take a percentage of the realised value over a reserve set by the client.
Frequently Asked Questions
All your questions answered
Click to expand answers
What is a Decision Matrix Algorithm (DMA) and what do you mean by Passive and Active Value Enhancement?
We will initially appraise the assets and the requirements of the client. We take that learnt criteria and input it in to the DMA which employs experience driven data accumulated over many years. This generates the optimum dispersal output recommendation balancing a multitude of factors that will ensure maximum return, at minimal cost, and with all the risks considered.
Active Value Enhancement is where we physically enhance the value of a product. This may be as simple as cleaning a product or right up to a full on, IDS funded, refurbishment. Passive Value Enhancement is where we use less tangible ‘tricks of the trade’ to gain more value. Examples include strategic lotting and selective geographical and/or target sector marketing.
For operational and logistics reasons we send our disposals to auction. Why would we need your services?
In our considerable experience many surplus producers are primarily focused on their core product or service and less likely to maximise the potential, or conversely, adequately recognise the hazards associated with disposals. In practical terms this usually means:
1. All surplus, regardless of commodity, is sent via the same disposal route or auction house.
2. The client relies on the marketing capability of the auctioneer to attract the correct sphere of bidders and extract best value.
3. Buyers and Sellers premiums charged by auctioneers have escalated in recent years along with additional costs of logistics, marketing, and presentation. The result is a far lower return to the asset owner.
4. Auctioneers often sell the majority of surplus to dealers and traders and not to the end-user market. It is universally recognised by some bidder groups that auction results can be manipulated.
5. Quality and valuable surplus is often destroyed for fear of consequences that can easily be mitigated.
6. Accountability is compromised as the client often loses visibility of the chain of custody through resellers. Stock that is free of traceability is an opportunity for internal corruption, tax evasion, and money laundering.
Essentially, IDS minimises cost and maximises return by turning all the above on its head. We choose a commodity specific disposal route utilising only the best marketing platforms. We minimise costs of sale by selecting the most efficient disposal methods and maximise return by selling to end-user markets where we can. We have significant experience of working with national and international government bodies where accountability has been key. We can ensure that all statutory regulation and corporate policy is enacted and guaranteed on the downstream sale.
It could add another layer of management to the process, so how do we benefit?
It is true to say that, in some cases, there may be a net cost implication; however, this is only likely to be for one of two reasons:
- IDS are solely undertaking third party audits of well-established and efficient disposal processes.
- Where previously, low-value surplus has been cast in a manner that doesn’t comply with statutory legislation or corporate policy.
There is an old adage that states “a good accountant should save you their fees in tax deductibles” and this is very much our philosophy. Here are some of the ways we can bring that value to the table:
- Visibility and transparency.
- Match commodities to buyers.
- Always drill up the food chain; prioritising sales to end users.
- Passive and Active added value; from clever marketing to material enhancement.
- Targeted Marketing; using a wide variety of platforms and media.
- Divide and Conquer; we review all of the surplus assets and select the correct disposal route for each.
- Our fee can be offset against the reduced need for your input, freeing you up for more important revenue generating activities.
- Improved Staff Morale; we remove employees from the potential bribery/corruption loop.
We don’t care about the money. We need to demonstrate impartiality and protect the integrity of our employees. For this reason, we send our disposals to auction, why would we need your services?
By employing IDS, you can have your cake and eat it. As a contractor to both the UK MoD and HMRC for many years, the management of IDS completely understand the need for transparency and accountability. We evolve transparent and auditable processes that will protect both the company and its staff. The benefit is that we can be more flexible in our approach especially in marketing and end user sales. Ultimately that results in less risk and more money for your surplus assets.
We like Auctions because they isolate us from any liability or warranty Issues.
One of the cornerstones of selling surplus is the terms of trading. With over 80 years combined experience of selling surplus, we are fully conversant with trading terms that extract best value whilst at the same time pass risk without warranty. Our process is a Zero Risk option and offers exactly the same security as an auctioneer.
What do you charge for your services, we don’t have a budget to dispose of these assets?
Don’t worry, we will shoulder the cost of dispersal and deduct it from the proceeds of the sale. As for the charges for the service – this will depend on what you want us to do. Generally, we charge a day rate for pure consultancy and then have a structure of charges for additional services. We would be delighted for the opportunity to quote for your requirements.
We don’t want it sold; we want it destroyed.
We accept this can sometimes be necessary and can provide a service to provide a third-party guarantee by certifying destruction within the framework of a robust recycling philosophy. We have in the past, dependant on the clients’ criteria for destruction, evolved innovative solutions whereby, goods are sold to provide a positive cost benefit but do not create a liability nor affect the client’s traditional market.
What are your green credentials?
Our Senior Environmental Consultant has over 20 years’ experience of responsible disposals in the surplus industry. This includes sitting on the advisory board of the International Committee for the Recycling of Redundant Ships and managing the first ever scrapping of Royal Naval Warships under the green passport system in the UK. His passion for the environment is reflected in his lifestyle; He is now living in a completely off grid, zero carbon, home.
Why are you sending our surplus to auction; we could have done that ourselves?
There are a number of reasons we still recommend the use of Auctioneers. The important thing is that it is the right commodity, going to the right auctioneer, at the right time, with the fees kept to the absolute minimum. As previously stated, many companies are focused on the day to day running of their business; surplus is often just an irritating distraction.
We’d love to be cleverer with our surplus, but we simply don’t have the time, space, manpower, or management resource.
It will always depend on the commodity but with our global network of approved sub-contractors we are often able to improve on expectation of timeline, compliance, and monetary return. Practically this means we take over the disposal function. We provide inspectors, valuers, marketeers, and the necessary logistics, in a timely manner, at the lowest possible cost, thereby freeing-up your staff to concentrate on the company’s core business.
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